What Are The Advanced Treatment Options Currently Available To Treat Premature Greying?
1. I would like to know, what are the advanced treatment options currently available to treat premature greying?
2. Will it be really possible to reverse or at least prolong the premature greying process?
3. Tested my Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Thyroid levels (T3, T4, TSH), Thyroid levels seem to be normal but Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D levels are significantly low. What are the supplements I can take to balance these deficiencies?
4. Can we use Altris 5 and Minoxidil 5% solution simultaneously (Altris -1ml - Morning, Tugain 5% - 1ml - Evening)?
5. Any other tips which can help to keep my hair black and control hair loss?
Calcirol and Hematinic
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query and detailed information.
I have gone through your reports.
Apart from Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D your hemoglobin is also on the lower side.
The medication advised to you is good. Both altris and curltzvit help in repigmentation of grey hairs however you can expect a relief of around 20 %.
There are no medicines available currently which can give 100 % results in reversal of grey hairs.
Continue with the medication and apart from these take the following.
1.Tablet methylcobalamine 1500 microgram daily in morning for 3 months.
2. Capsule hematinic daily in night for 6 months.
3. Calcirol satchet 1 per week with milk or curd for 12 weeks.
Try to increase your sun exposure.
These should be helpful.
Let me know if you have any other doubts.
Thank you
1. Can we use Altris 5 and Minoxidil 5% solution simultaneously (Altris -1ml - Morning, Tugain 5% - 1ml - Evening)?
2. Will Minoxidil 5% promote premature greying?
3. And for hair loss, can we try procedures like PRP? And are there any other treatments that give promising results? (Point to add - My maternal grandfather and uncle are bald)
Minoxidil and altris can be used together
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up.
1. Yes you can use altris and minoxidil together.
2. Minoxidil increases blood supply to hair hence it improves thickness of hair and can also increase pigmentation.
3. PRP gives good results but only till the time you continue using it.
Let me know if you have any other doubts.
Thank you