What Are The Benefits Of Acupuncture ?
Acupressure Points
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting with your concern.
1. Since you are interested in treatment aspect, thus do let me know whether two conditions mentioned by you are disease specific or age specific [64 years]?
A. Most of the back pain [Orthopedic Opinion] in old age is due to poor posture and excess of wear and tear and one also have to keep following things in mind:
i. Age - older adults are more susceptible [age is more so can be a factor]
ii. any source of Anxiety, Depression?
iii. Strenuous physical exercise or physical work [poor posture]
You can incorporate following guidelines:
i. Maintain straight back posture while sitting or standing.
ii. avoid bending forwards and lifting weights.
iii. sleep on hard mattress.
iv. gentle massage
v. back exercises: Leg raising in dorsal recumbent position, push ups, swimming.
. Since you are from United States, you may contact the'American Academy of Medical Acupuncture' for a licensed acupuncturist regarding treatment regime and cost.
It is always advisable with back pain to consult with a health care provider for a thorough exam, diagnosis, and treatment program.
B. while ringing in ear [tinnitus], unless there is injury, is due to excess of stress which decreases the energy flow to the kidneys. [since kidney is associated with ears in acupuncture] and although he is not on any medications, but at his age one should check regularly with blood pressure and nerve deafness [ENT opinion] which are common causes of tinnitus in old age.
You can incorporate following guidelines along with Acupuncture:
i. avoid caffeine,nicotine, or cocaine, head bath, excess exercise and sexual intercourse, avoid professional activities which involve high frequency sounds, dry fruits and bitter and astringent food.
ii.Mainstay of treatment will be to help regenerate the auditory nerve, inner ear connected to the auditory nerve, and to strengthen the hearing center in the brain.
iii. Putting drops of jaitun tail [olive oil] or sesame oil in ears is effective for tinnitus,hearing loss.
PS. The efficacy of any system of Medicine will depend on a critical number of surviving auditory neurons [since this is Nature Law that once the auditory cells are damaged [unlike birds and fish], they cannot regenerate naturally so one has to go for periodic/regular audiometry check up.
Do revert back with your concerns.
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant & Physician
Naimittika Clinic