What Are The Causes Of Difficulty In Swallowing Food In The Elderly?
Need to be assessed by a neurologist and started on NG feeding
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Welcome to Healthcaremagic. Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We will try to help you in best way possible. First of all it's sad to know what you had been going through lately.
Based on the history you have shared, she needs to be assessed for detailed neurological examination to look for any underlying stroke causing bulbar palsy or weakness of palate and swallowing muscles. A baseline CT scan to rule out any intracranial bleed should he done.
With such weakness swallowing kindly don't feed her through mouth as it can go into the lungs and cause aspiration pneumonia which can be fatal.
A medical emergency follow up and Nasogastric tube placement should be done to assist in feeding meanwhile.
Other baselines and electrolytes levels should also be monitored. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
Hope this has answered your query. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Regards