What Are The Chances Of Getting Diabetes With Diabetic Parents?
How often should i go for a health check - up. Can you also suggest me few tips to keep me simple and healthy?
Tips to decrease risk of diabetes.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
Yes, you are at risk to develop diabetes. Therefore I suggest the following:
1. If you are overweight please try to reduce weight by doing physical exercises regularly. I recommend 20 - 30 minutes of aerobic exercises for 5 days a week.
2. Please try to cut down carbohydrate containing food like white bread, flour, cakes, sugar, potatoes, junk food, fast food, etc.
3. Add fiber contains food to your diet like oats, whole grain cereals, green vegetables, fruits. Fibres will help you maintain your normal blood sugar levels.
4. Avoid alcohol and smoking.
5. You need to get enough sleep and avoid stress.
Visit your doctor at least once in year to check your blood sugar levels, blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels.
Always think positive.
So far your blood reports are normal,you need not worry.
If you have any questions I will be happy to help you.
Thank you.