What Are The Chances Of Miscarriage Again With History Of It?
detailed answer below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing.
Your anxiety is valid now that you are 14 weeks again.
But let's look at the brighter side. You are on drugs and monitoring now.
Last time may be the baby was anomalous or abnormal so it expired inutero.
I hope this time you have done the NUCHAL THICKNESS ULTRASOUND and double marker blood tests.
If these are normal then the chance of losing the baby again is less.
As to how to know that your baby is alive and doing fine is a little difficult as you will feel movements only after 18-20 weeks that us 1&1/2. Months from now.
There is a equipment called hand held Doppler to check fetal heart rate but only medical staff will know how to use it.
So it's better to wait and continue your medication.besides if you are having symptoms of pregnancy then your baby will be doing fine.
You can go for twice a month checkup so that your doctor will check your baby heart beat by Doppler or scan.
Please feel free to write back anytime to
Best of luck.