What Are The Consequences Of Consuming Poor Quality Coke During Pregnancy?
You'll be ok,if anything unusual happens, go to ER immediately...
Detailed Answer:
I understand your concerns.
1. I was looking at the can and there are 2 main possibilities:
- the coke was bad
- the can was rusty
2. If you was to take the drink less than 2 hours, I'd advise to drink plenty of warm water and provoke vomiting. But, it has already been 4 hours and cannot vomit what you drank because it has already passed into the intestines.
3. Anyway, in the worst of scenarios, you might have diarrhea for today. I advise to drink plenty of water to make it cleared off your body very quickly.
4. I also advise to also drink milk to eliminate possible side effects.
5. If you notice anything unusual, should go to ER. But, I don't think it would happen.
6. With regards to your wife, I do not know if she took the same drink by the same can as you or not. Anyway, the same advice go for her case too.
7. At the end, I do not think anything bad will happen to both. However, you should be alert for any possible unusual symptom might occur. In that case, go to ER immediately.
Hope it cleared up your doubts!
If no sign of poisoning so far;then,nothing to worry...
Detailed Answer:
Hi back,
If poisoning would occur, you'd have already the signs: vomiting, diarrhea, gas,etc. Once you notice them, go to ER, especially when it comes to your pregnant wife.
If nothing happened until now, you should not worry too much. Please take note that our body is able to eliminate the "bad" substances alone. However, sometimes, this is associated with the above-mentioned symptoms.
You should wait for a few more hours. Do not forget to drink plenty of water and milk for the rest of the day.
Take care!