What Are The Early Signs And Symptoms Of Menopause?
I do not think this has anything to do with menopause at all
Detailed Answer:
Hello ma'am and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help. Any infections or general abnormalities in the body can cause the female menstrual cycle to become irregular, as is what you experienced. The same effect can be caused by various other factors like stress, weight gain or weight loss, medications, etc. So in your case, the changes that you experienced could have been from the infection and/or the monistat.
The infection itself almost immediately causes a hormonal imbalance, so that is what has caused the irregularity, so you are right on that. You stopped using monistat the second time because it resulted in burning?
I would like to know how and who confirmed the yeast infection? Whether it was a doctor or a self-diagnosis? Because only if you have a yeast infection will you respond well enough to the monistat, if not, then there may not be an improvement.
I do not think this has anything to do with menopause, and your symptoms are purely due to the fact that you have an infection, although I would prefer if the type of infection were confirmed by a doctor so that accurate and appropriate treatment can be used.
Please do not hesitate to write to me for any further clarifications, I am always here to help.
Best wishes.
Here are a few suggestions; no relief raises questions about diagnosis
Detailed Answer:
hello once again ma'am.
My sincere apologies for the delay, I only just returned from a busy day at the hospital.
Firstly, a self-diagnosis may not be accurate and reliable, but as you did find some amount of improvement with the monistat I would recommend continuation of the application twice a day until you can meet a doctor for a confirmation of diagnosis. Along with that please follow the listed suggestions:
+Keep your genitals dry and clean at all times
+Make sure you wash and dry off well enough after using the toilet
+Make sure you shower at least once a day and dry off well enough after
+If it is hot where you live, then please change your under garments at least twice a day
+Make sure you change your pad regularly when on your period
+Try to get your hand on one tablet of 150 mg fluconazole, to be taken only once orally
As for the other questions you asked ma'am: the multivitamins should not contribute to your presentation in any way. Things should be back to normal by 2 weeks on the treatment, which is why I suspect either external factors in play or a misdiagnosis, thus urging you to visit a doctor for a urine analysis and a physical examination.
Please also feel free to write to me for any clarifications, I am always here to help.
Best wishes.