What Are The Exercises And Diet One Should Follow To Reduce Fat ?
I am a male of 36 years with a height of 5' 9"(175.26 cms.) and having a weight of 86 kgs. (189 pounds).
Thanks for your query.
Important points of your query:
• Concern related to weight
• Want to incorporate exercise and dietary plan to reduce weight
To know about ideal weight of person we use an index called BODY MASS INDEX (BMI).
BMI is calculated with the simple formula: BMI= weight in kg/height in metre²
With this formula your BMI = 86/1.75² = 28.08
According to BMI we can categorise people in three categories:
• Underweight from 16.0 to 18.5
• Normal from 18.5 to 25
• Overweight from 25 to 30
• Obese from 30 onward
As your BMI is 28.08 you fall in obese category and weight management program should target BMI between 18.5 to 25 (56.65 kg-76.56 kg for your height).
Following steps will be helpful to reduce weight:
• Buy one weighing machine preferably digital and measure weight every week, on a fixed day and on empty stomach in morning. Write weight in front of date in calendar or diary.
• Most important thing to lose weight is to remain motivated towards your goal. So fix your goal in form of target weight like start with target of 75 kg. Now you have to reduce 11 kg to achieve this goal. Target around 2 kg weight reduction in every month as it will not disturb physiological functioning of body. So it will take around 5.5 month to achieve this level.
• Inform your family members about your plan to reduce weight as it will help to continue your motivation towards your goal.
• Make your dietary chart as what have you eaten in last day and calculate calorie value of that food. You can get calorie value of food items easily on net.
• Restrict your calorie intake around 1500 k cal per day. Eliminate food items containing sugar and fat from your diet. Increase consumption of salad and fruits in your diet as it will mobilise your fat. Using these principle and according to your dietary habits prepare your own diet chart and stick to that plan.
• Do not try to reduce weight very fast as it is harmful to health.
• In exercise plan: Incorporate aerobics and brisk walk in your exercise plan at least for 30 min a day.
Hope this will help you. I will be available for follow up.
Wishing you Good Health.
Thanks for the suggestions. It shall be quite useful for me. Furthermore, I would like to know about the status / restrictions of my other habit since I used to take two-three peg whisky per day ie. 4-5 times in week and I smoke 5-6 cigarettes per day.
Please suggest me the permitted limit for adjusting the condition.
Thanks again.
According to me, there is not permitted limit for alcohol and smoking although there was news related to safe drinking limit in recent past.
So it is advisable to stop alcohol use and smoking.
It is sometime possible to restrict alcohol use socially, but it is very difficult to smoke occasionally. So you can drink 2-3 times per month, if can not stop it. But with regards to smoking, I suggest to stop it.
Hope this will help you.
Wishing you Good Health.