Question: Hi, My MOM was having symptoms of Fever spikes, pain abdomen &
nausea since 2 week.
Doctors Diagnosis was : ?
USG IMPRESSION: Grossely thick walled GB with few calculi and sludge/mass lesion. Few enlarged lymphnode(largest one is about 12 mm.X 10mm) size at porta hepatis.
CT Scan with contrast report: the gall bladder is contracted and thick walled showing prominent asymmetrical wall thickening of 16 mm size involving body showing lost fat plane with adjacent liver ans 1st part of
duodenum. The fat plane is also ill defined with adjacent hepatic flexure. Small loculated collection is seen medial to GB and another ill defined hypo-echoic collection antero-inferior to GB.Mild adjacent fat stranding and few mesenteric lymph nodes also seen. There is minimal IHBR dilatation involving left lobe of lever. CBD is not dilated.
No other focal liver lesion seen.
pancreas is normal and
pancreatic duct not dilated.
Spleen is normal showing no focal lesion.
Both adrenals are normal.
both kidneys are enhancing normally.
Bowel loops no dilated.
Urinary bladder is normal.No large pelvic mass.
OPINION: The CT imaging findings are highly suspicious of gall bladder neoplastic lesion, most likely malignant with possible liver and duodenal invasion and suspected invasion of hepatic flexure. Small loculated collection is seen medial to GB and another ill defined hypo-echoic collection antero-inferior to GB. This finding is suspicious of associated GB perforation.
Doctors given antibiotic treatment and she were ok, and the symptoms didn't seen.But from last three days light fever spikes are again seen, no other symptoms are seen.
Kindly suggests me the possible solution of this.