What Are The Foods To Be Avoided While Suffering From Crohn's Disease?
Keep a food diary for best results!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about your concerns regarding Chron's disease. There are no specific food types that have been noted to be universally problematic in persons with Chron's disease. The real problem with Chron's is that the absorption surface is reduced and digested nutrient cannot be absorbed from the intestines and this causes diarrhea.
Because of person to person variability, the best approach is to keep a personal food diary and note your symptoms also. If you note that the symptoms are particularly worse with a specific food type, then that should be avoided. Those that do not cause symptoms would be preferred. In this way, you would be able to have a personalized list of what foods are good for you and what foods are not good for you.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thanks for using our services and do feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be.