What Are The Methods To Avoid Pregnancy?
What method is there to avoid the pregnancy as we are not ready for a child yet
Thanks for writing to us.
There can be two possibilties when periods are missed. Either it a pregnancy or a delayed period.
1. Missing period is a sign of pregnancy. There is no question of avoiding pregnancy in that case. Avoiding could be done only when she had unprotected intercourse which was by using emergency contraception within 3 days. But now there is no use of taking this.
First you confirm the pregnancy by doing a urine test with the home kits available. If positive it means she is pregnant. Then the only option is not to continue the pregnancy by abortion. But before going for any abortion procedure which can be done with medicines too, you should get an ultrasound done. Ultrasound is important to confirm that the pregnancy is within the uterus and not elsewhere. This is because if pregnancy is elsewhere, it is ectopic and abortion medicines wont help in that case.
2.The other possibility could be that it just a delayed period and she might not be pregnant. If pregnancy is ruled out then she can get herself evaluated for the cause of delay followed by progesterone tablet for withdrawal menses.
For now you should confirm pregnancy first and visit a gynecologist for the appropriate medicine in case positive and you want abortion. Please do not take any self medication for abortion as it is risky and complications like severe bleeding, shock and incomplete abortion can happen.
I hope I have answered your query.
kindly revert back in case you have further doubts.
Take care.