What Are The Options Of Treatment For Fecal Impaction, Lactose Intolerance And IBS?
Try with local lubricants or consult a general surgeon.
Detailed Answer:
When the waste products in digestive tract are nor passed out for a long time(constipation) ... they get dried & stuck in the tract .. not allowing daily cleaning of bowels .. this is fecal impaction.
You have tried almost all the ways in trying the bowel movement clear...All you need at present is to remove the impacted stool.. for that you can try by-
-Applying glycerine suppository before attempting for bowel motion., such suppository needs to be retained in rectum for few minutes (10 to 30 minutes) to lubricate the passage & allow the hard stool to pass out.
-A self taken glycerine enema can be used if suppository fails.
In case of no relief..
* Consult a general surgeon who would help with -plain or soap water enema / Manual removal of the impacted stool in lower parts of rectum.
Very rarely surgical removal is needed if impaction is higher in bowels.
I hope that answers your query. Any follow up query you have please feel free to ask.