What Are The Repercussions Of Accidental Ingestion Of A Plastic Piece?
Methods are explained below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Some of the steps that can be tried are as below.
1)Try drinking a little cold water to help loosen the blockage. Water helps the process by flushing out the sides and bring it along in its flow. If cold water doesn't help with the plastic stuck in your throat, you can try some warm water or even some tea. Do not use very hot water as this can burn your throat and cause even greater problems, especially as it is plastic stuck in your throat which is the problem.It may even help to lie down flat on your back and try to drink the water as gravity is also introduced to help dislodge the stuck food. Repeat a few times if unsuccessful on the first go.
2)Use the 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and mix with equal parts warm water .Gargle as you did before it will activate the gag reflex and will induce vomiting which should help dislodge the stuck food. If you don't have any hydrogen peroxide, you can try the same method with some apple cider vinegar.
3) Another method to remove stuck piece in the throat is to try to eat something soft. This may be as simple as continuing to eat what you were eating before as the next food coming down the throat can help dislodge the stuck food.Choosing something like bread or some sticky rice will serve you better if you want to remove the stuck food as it will stick to it. If using bread, either dip it in some water or let it soak in your own saliva before swallowing. The sticky rice should work on it its own.
However if not relieved after this then you should visit the nearesr emergency room.