What Are The Side Effects Of Panderm Plus Cream?
Too many side effects,I don't recommend it as fairness cream
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
Panderm plus cream should never be used as a fairness cream for long term because of it's serious side effects particularly in children.
Panderm plus contains Ofloxacin(antibiotic),terbenafine(antifungal) and clobetasole(potent steroid).
Out of these three it is the steroid which causes fairness by inhibiting the color producing cells(melanin producing cells).Other agents like ofloxacin and terbenafine is used in bacterial and fungal infection and they don't have any role in fairness.
This cream is widely used as a fairness cream in adult females causing steroid dependence.The skin of children is much more delicate than the adults and side effect appears much earlier.The main side effects are thinning of skin,appearance of hair on the face,prominence of vessels(condition known as telengeactacia) and rashes.
So I don't recommend it as a fairness cream and suggest you to stop using this.
I shall be glad to answer if you have any further query.