What Are The Side Effects Of Hydrocortisone Cream?
Detailed answer...
Thanks for the query.
I have read your query and understand your concern.
Yes it appears to be a fungal nfevtion only.
In my opinion your problem is being caused by the steroid ( hydrocortisone ) crem you are using.Ideally you should use a plain antifungal cream.
Apply CLOTRIMAZOLE crem locally twice a day for at least 15 days more after your lesion clears.
In addition take oral antifungal medicine like FLUCANAZOLE 150 mg every week for 4 weeks for complete eradication of fungus.
Both these products are OTC products and easily available.
I hope you should be all right with this treatment.
I hope it helps,however you are most welcome to revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck
Hydrocortisone cream clears the inflammation very fast and has no role in treating fungus.So while your skin tends to show that it has healed,in fact fungus has not gone from there and it erupts again after sometime.
Other antifungal agent being used by you is in powder form and so doesn't remain there for long .
it would mislead you again as the lesion would heal very fast.
It is always better to use CLOTRIMAZOLE alone.
Combination is generally used in initial few days period when accompanying itching is bothering you very much.
You may use it for initial 4-5 days but ultimately use plain CLOTRIMAZOLE only.
You are most welcome to ask any query any time.