What Are The Side Effects Of Masturbation?
There are no side effects of masturbation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it seems that you have been indulged in masturbation frequently since many years.
At the outset let me state that it has been discussed about the ill effects of masturbation at multiple scientific forums and proved that masturbation has no side effects on any organ or system of the body.or sexual potency of a man.It is the myth of common man which causes many doubts and creates anxiety about masturbation.
Though it is harmless it affects erection and ejaculation to certain extent in those who are addicted to it.Please keep yourself busy in social activity,reading,sports etc so that you will not get free time to masturbate.
Hope I have answered your query .Please feel free to ask if you more questions .I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks and Regards,
There is no medicine to quit masturbation.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.Self determination is the best method to quit this habit. There are no medicines that can help to quit it.
Thanks and Regards,