What Are The Side Effects Of Mercury Usage In Dental Amalgam?
Mercury has side effects but does not always cause serious problems.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. .
As per your query Mercury present in Silver Amalgam filling has certain adverse effects over different body organs due to release of mercury vapours BUT there have been several researches done which shows that mercury in Silver Amalgam filling rarely causes any side effects in individuals who have filling done..
An additional information that I would like to give is that Silver filling has because obsolete now but still some dentist use it due to high strength of filling. .
In case if you are worrisome about the side effects you can get the filling replaced with a tooth coloured filling material like Glass Ionomer Cement or Composite Resin..
Any further questions are welcome. .
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.