What Are The Side Effects Of Prolonged Intake Of Leflunomide?
Detailed answer....
Thanks for the query.
I have read your query and understood your concern.
LEFNO ( LEFLUNOMIDE ) is a diseases modifying anti rheumatic drug and is given for long time.
Short term side effects include nausea vomiting,diarrhoea,rash etc.
Long term side effects include...weightloss,thinning of hair,increase in blood pressure.
Since this drug suppresses your immune system,you become prone to infections like respiratory tract infections,throat infections etc.
Other important side effect includes damage to liver and sometimes may even cause fatal liver failure. That's why one keeps on getting the liver tests done on regular basis to see any damage being caused to liver.
I hope it helps,however you are most welcome to revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck