What Are The Side Effects Of Steroids Taken For Spondylothesis And Bursitis?
Some Adverse effects, but the use of steroids overweighs them all
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX!
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Yes you should have to know and keep a prehand knowledge of the most common side effects with steroid use. But remember not every patient gets these side effects. If any has to appear, thats too appear after a long term usage of the steroid, until unless you have an allergy to steroid that appears in no time after taking it.
Most common adverse effects are:-
Increased appetite, Indigestion, Nervousness, Insomnia, Blurring of vision.
Less common ones are:-
Itching, dizziness, edema, headache, vertigo, delayed wound healing, Diabetes Mellitus, arthralgias (joint pains).
Steroids are prescribed usually when the benefits overweigh the possible side effects and you need not to worry and keep the treatment going on. Its necessary to help you relieve from signs/symptoms of the hip joint disease that you are facing.
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