What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of HA-MRSA Infection?
Now i lose all understanding again
Sorry that I write you again and disturb you – over previous discussion was closed, by you or by administration. But I really want to understand.
I copy your last answer so you better understand it
1. HA MRSA can survive on any surface for hours, days and even months. Which is why it is important to wash yiur hands and also maintain good hygiene
2. I do not understand what you mean by other bacteria overcoming the HA MRSA if it is on your skin. If it is on your skin, then you will have to clean the region well enough to avoid getting infected.
But of course you will not know when it is on your skin, which is why maintaining good hygiene is important.
3. The reason why pets are a source is because although you maintain good hygiene, your pet can carry the pathogen on their bodies. A pet cannot be cleaned on a daily basis (cannot be showered daily), and so even if you maintain good hygiene, the pet can carry the pathogen and either directly come in contact with an individual or come in contact with objects that are in direct contact with the individual.
But yes, colonisation and transmission of HA MRSA in healthy pets is low. It is low because as a precautionary measure, most pet owners are advised to give their pets a shower immediately after any direct or indirect contact with a hospital, and also because pets are very rarely in contact with hospitals or its staff.
I hope this makes things better. Unfortunately, these questions could not be passed off without an explanation and so I could not give you short answers sir.
Best wishes.
1. As HA MRSA can survive so good and longtime why it does not colonize healthy people ?
As you also said organism is very fragile and does not survive easily under various conditions
Than what is reason why it doesn’t transmit to healthy people?
2. One infecatlogist said that MSSA during the time will overcome MRSA and body will get free from MRSA in healthy people
3. Does really every pet should be washed after contact of veterinary, or direct or indirect contact of human hospital? As for example doctor comes home after hospital on his clothes are HA MRSA bacteria – pet get some contact with these clothes and pet should be washed?
As in one material I read that healthy pets get free from MRSA without decolonization but humans need decolonization.
I don’t think that only reason that one pet get colonized wit HA MRSA and other does not is reason why one is washes and other not … as you said immunity is important ?
Hope this makes things a little easier to understand sir
Detailed Answer:
Hello once again sir.
I do not have the privilege or authority to close any discussion on the forum, and moreover I would not close any discussion until my patients or friends are completely satisfied.
1. It can survive for a long term on the skin, that is true, but will it survive for a long time if we keep cleaning ourselves and maintain good hygiene? People who maintain good hygiene, and wash their hands regularly, need not worry about the HA MRSA at all.
When I said that it can survive for days on the skin; it will only be able to survive for so long on the skin if we do not clean it, so cleaning yourself and maintaining good hygiene is important.
Thats why it does not colonise in healthy people, because they maintain good hygiene.
Yes, the organism cannot survive well under certain conditions, this is another reason why it does not colonise often. But if the conditions are perfect for it to survive (which is not very often), then it can survive on the skin for long periods.
2. This is an interesting theory, and when you dig deeper into it, you do not see any fault, so I do have to agree with this infection specialist
3. Yes, this would be indicated, although it is not always feasible, but this is a mode of transmission, yes.
Of course, immunity is very important, both for the pet and their owners who live with them sir.
Best wishes. :)
I understand that some time it is too hard for you answer all you question- but you are doctor that are thinking, and I like the way how you answer. So answer when you can.
1. Does only hygiene is involved to prevent HA MRSA colonization, as there could be some other factors. If week person keep good hygiene but he still is colonized with HA MRSA, as in all literature it is said that low immunity is risk for HA MRSA colonization – and older people could be colonized wit if. So it means there should be some other factors – that we don’t know not only hygiene ( or only specialist in infecatlogy know it)…as it is said that healthy persons are not in risk for HA MRSA colonization.
Don’t you think so ?
2. So I think it also for pets there is some condition in healthy pets that will avoid them form HA MRSA colonization even they don’t go shower every day. As they are active - changing environment and it is harder to HA MRSA to survive on their body. It should be like that.
3. As HA MRSA can live in nose – but people don’t wash nose inside, in normal healthy person it will go away after some time – it should be so ? is it ?
4. I have asked you that question but still asking one more time it gives better understanding if I’m healthy and somehow I get colonizes with HA MRSA it is not risk for me ?
As you said no different HA MRSA or CA MRSA good XXXXXXX helps avoid problems.
5. And in literature it is said that HA MRSA is harder to treat – it is because there are less drugs for treating it ? or other factors – like people who got it are already weak.
I am always here to help my friend
Detailed Answer:
Hello once again.
1. There are many different factors involved sir, you know everything that we have discussed in the past. Yes, low immunity is a risk factor; old age comes with lowered immunity and so elderly patients are more exposed to getting colonised
I agree there are numerous factors involved. Like age (older the person, lower the immunity and defence); cold weather (causes a lowering of immunity); poor hygiene; and so many other factors.
2. Yes, there may be other contributing factors that can protect it and also cause it to get infected. Yes, that is a very good point and observation
3. Yes, they can live in the nose but at the same time, immunity is an important factor
4. If you are healthy and get colonised with HA MRSA, it will not reach the invasive form and will get treated earlier; so it is not a huge risk factor.
Yes, good health does help avoid serious complications and progression of the disease.
5. HA MRSA usually occurs in mild forms (e.g. skin infection), but it usually occurs in individuals who struggle with antibiotic resistance. That means, due to overuse of antibiotics certain individuals become resistant to some antibiotics, thus making it difficult to treat infections. And once an infection like HA MRSA occurs, with many antibiotics being resistant, treatment becomes extremely difficult
Best wishes.
Thank you !!
1. So i should was all my clothes after i visited hospital as i said i study biomedical laboratory assistant – to avoid it transmission to my pet and my family
2. Does it better not to hold pet at home to avoid MRSA transmition ? as he is cat and he jump all around to any surface.
Or if we are healthy than it is ok ?
3. CA MRSA is more aggressive than HA MRSA – and compering two healthy persons from witch one is colonized with HA MRSA but other with CA MRSA more risk for skin infection is to person who is colonized with CA MRSA. Is it so ?
4. Your anwer
- HA MRSA usually occurs in mild forms (e.g. skin infection), but it usually occurs in individuals who struggle with antibiotic resistance. That means, due to overuse of antibiotics certain individuals become resistant to some antibiotics, thus making it difficult to treat infections
So if i dont use antibiotics an im healthy i will not get HA MRSA skin infection ?
5. I was trying to find in internet information about how long HA MRSA can survive in environment – but i couldn’t . It is because there are not enough information about that. Or such kind of info won’t be in internet ?
Hope this helps sir
Detailed Answer:
1. Yes, put your clothes for washing and also wash your hands and face before leaving the hospital and again after reaching home
2. If you change your clothes and also wash up well enough, then there should be worry for transmission to your pet, you can hold your cat
3. CA MRSA is more aggressive, yes
4. Chances are indeed low, but you still can get a mild form of HA MRSA if exposed, and if certain circumstances prevail
5. There is evidence, but insufficient and not well researched. You can find information on the internet about their survival, but none of these are authentic and are not trusted medical sources of information
Best wishes.