What Are The Symptoms Of A Stroke?
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Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern about your sister.
The symptoms of a stroke depend on the brain area which is affected, different brain areas have different functions, so symptoms may vary. The classical symptoms are weakness or numbness of the face and limbs on one side, speech issues, trouble with balance and movement coordination, double vision, loss of vision on one side of the visual field, confusion or behavior changes.
So whether being disoriented and having memory issues can be a symptom of stroke…yes. However these particular symptoms are not that specific, it may be a manifestation of other issues such as dementia, brain tumor etc. Depression may at times mimic such symptoms as there is impaired concentration.
What would prompt one to think of stroke would be when these manifestation have appeared in a sudden manner, from one day to the other. If on the other hand these have been gradual subtly progressive changes then stroke is unlikely. However at the end of the day brain imaging is usually required, even if the changes have been gradual, it is part of the evaluation for changes in cognitive function. Only if changes are sudden imaging is urgent while if gradual may be on an outpatient scheduled basis.
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