What Are The Symptoms Of Excessive Mercury Levels In Body?
What can I do nutritionally in order to reduce mercury levels in my body?
different symptoms can occur
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic
Mercury is poisonous in any form.
If exposure occurs,it most commonly affects the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and neurological system.
The main sources of exposure are: (1) via the use of contaminated fish
(2)exposure to antiseptics, bacteriacidal agents
(4)laundry products, diaper products
(5)seed and wood preservation
These are only some of the possible exposure areas.
The symptoms of mercury poisoning or increased levels of mercury are:
(1) IN the acute or immediate phase may have- fever, weakness, dizziness, chills, headache, shortness of breath, pain on urination, fatigue, pain on ejaculation
Loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea
(2)with chronic or persistent exposure may have: gingivitis, tremors, headache, visual disturbance, loss of balance, insomnia, headache, peripheral neuropathy (abnormal sensations such as tingling, numbness, sticking or sharp pain)
Kidney disease can also occur.
If your doctor has confirmed that you have high levels of mercury through history, physical examination and lab investigations of blood, urine and sometimes tissue, then treatment is needed.
Blood tests are also needed to check for anemia and assess the kidneys.
(1)decrease exposure to any contaminants such as decreasing certain fish intake (shark , swordfish, tuna have high concentrations),
avoiding exposure to any chemicals that may also contain mercury by using protection such as gloves, well ventilated room, appropriate clothing
(2)there are also chelating agents- these are medications that would bind the mercury.
These can remove some of the mercury
This would be done in the hospital.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
answer however, you didn't answer my second question about nutrition.
What vitamins, minerals and foods will mitigate high levels of mercury
in the body?
main changes are with certain fish consumption
Detailed Answer:
The main dietary changes involve fish particularly shark, swordfish and tuna, which were mentioned previously.
Some suggest that decreasing the use of mackerel would also be beneficial.
There are some indications that in some foods with fructose syrup, there may be higher than normal levels but the main diet changes involve the fish mentioned previously.
Please feel free to ask any other questions