What Are The Symptoms Of Food Allergy?
I ate stale rice 3 days back and since then hives have appeared all over my body . They are itching badly. Can it be related to the stale food poisioning? And what should be my next steps now?
Food allergy, please consider following guidelines
Detailed Answer:
this could be due to food allergy
chances of food poisoning is less likely
in my opinion you should go for few investigations to confirm the diagnosis like blood for hemoglobin CBC AEC ( absolute eosinophil count ) and testing for allergy
you should take anti allergic medications for a while like anti histaminics
you need to keep a close watch as it may lead to a severe anaphylaxis at times due to massive release of inflammatory mediators
if you develop difficulties in breathing, dizziness, or palpitations, immediately rush to the doctor
Avoid eating same food in future
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