What Are The Symptoms Of Food Poisoning?
I ate a bag of chips and once I finished I noticed it had 2 holes (.2 inch, .5 inch) possibly from mouse bite.
Looks like mouse or some other rodent had eaten/tried to eat the chips.
Now I'm not sure if I should be on the lookout of some kind of symptom of rodent poisoning, should I take some kind of preventive medicine etc. to avoid and any viral or bacterial infection due to this.
Please provide more information, No medicine is required.
Detailed Answer:
I really appreciate your concern
You need not to worry I will try to help you out in best possible way.
At the outset, I would like more information for proper assessment of the condition
Ate you having any kind of gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea or vomiting or diarrhoea?
When did you eat the chips (duration since you have eaten)?
Was it packaged chips or open?
In my opinion there are less chances of any kind of poisoning, to be on safe, be vigilant for development of any symptoms and consult a doctor immediately.
Looking at your description and absence of any adverse complaints, no preventive medicine is required.
Please revert back to me with these details for more clarifications
waiting for your reply
Wish you good health
I ate the chips around 1 hour back and as of now i dont have any adverse symptoms.
The chips packet was branded (lays) and it was packed from top.
After eating i saw mouse bites at the bottom of the packet.
Just relax, You need not to worry
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your reply
You need not to worry, Just relax.
If you develop any adverse symptoms seek medical help immediately, otherwise forget about chips and think of next food a lavish dinner.
Please keep food items in rodent proof area.
Best wishes