What Are The Symptoms Of Haemorrhoid?
Lower GI bleed
Detailed Answer:
Hello and Welcome
I appreciate your concern
If there was fresh blood in the stool then its a lower G.I bleed as upper G.I bleed is associated with black stool known as melena. Local erosions due to constipation and straining is the most common cause of a minor bleed. Hemorrhoids and parasitic infestation are also possible. Stool for ova and parasite , anoscopy, DRE ( Digital Rectal exam ) and an Ultrasound of the abdomen/pelvis can be done. Local cause should be looked for first such as hemorrhoids or anal fissure and treatment can be advised accordingly. If there is alteration in bowel habit, change in stool caliber or stool for occult blood is positive then a colonoscopy can be advised in consult with a gastroenterologist. For the cramping/ spasms hyoscine butylbromide can be taken for now.
Wishing you best of health
Please consult your doctor before deciding on any further course of action.
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Dr. M.S. Khalil