What Are The Symptoms Of Thyroid Dysfunction?
I have been suffering from below symptoms from 6-8months. I get these symptoms periodically like for 22days,25days and sometime 30days.
1. Body Temperature Veriation
2. Delay in sweating
3. Red flashes on the chest and temp increases near face
4. Ealrier I had nausea, vomiting etc.But now I don't have it
5. Anxiety
6. Cold/Cough
7. Wight loss
8. Cold feet/palm
9. Increased heart beat
I will be alright on other days and when it comes after 25days, I will have all these symptoms for 4-5days. I consulted one of Ayurvedic doc and he suspected its related to autonomous nervous system. I took few tablets.But with this, I had difficulty in bowel moments.I stopped those tablets. Could you please tell is it Thyroid symptoms or nervous system related and what is your suggestion. Please note that rest of the days I will be fine and suddenly it appears after 22-25days time frame.
Do these symptoms appear near your periods?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query here.
I am Dr. Yogesh answering your question, I will try and give you the best answer possible but for that I will need a few more details from your side.
I have studied your question carefully and understand that you are worried about your health.
As you have mentioned, you have cyclical symptoms, what I would like to know is, do these symptoms of you coincide with your periods?
I would like to know if these symptoms appear just before or during your menstrual periods.
The symptoms described by you, if they recur after a particular number of days, then they are highly unlikely to be due to thyroid disorders or any other neurological disorder, so do not worry.
Have you noticed any other symptoms such as breast engorgement or pain in the breasts and lower abdominal pain when these symptoms happen?
Please do write back with answers to my questions so that I can guide you further.
Wishing you good health.
Warm regards.
Thanks so much. Sorry this was not for me. It was my husband's query.he has these symptoms. We are not getting which doc to consult. Please help. Symptoms are periodical. Not everyday.
The symptoms fit Cyclic Cushing's syndrome.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Mrs. XXXXXXX
Thank you very much for clarifying.
I would like to emphasize that this type of cyclical presentation is very unusual in men and the problem seems to fit only one clinical entity described in the literature so far. I have searched extensively through the literature to correctly identify the problem.
Your husband's symptoms seem to suggest an abnormality with Cortisol secretion (A hormone secreted usually by the adrenal gland), and high cortisol levels secreted in a cyclical pattern can cause symptoms seen in your husband.
The next step for you would be to consult an endocrinologist and undergo a series of investigations to confirm my suspicion.
High cortisiol levels can cause increased heart beat, nausea, vomiting, flushing, variations in body temperature etc.
Cushing's syndrome is usually constant but a rare variety called cyclic Cushing's syndrome is reported, and it is more common among females than males.
I would like to suggest you the following guidelines for proper diagnosis as making a diagnosis of cyclic Cushing's syndrome requires ruling out all other causes first and is very tedious procedure.
1. Consult an endocrinologist (Hormone specialist).
2. Present to the doctor a printout of this article and you can tell him/her that an online doctor has advised to discuss the possibility of this condition. The link for this article is here... http://www.eje-online.org/content/157/3/245.full.pdf
3. Undergo the following investigations..
a. Coritsol levels measured at different times of the day and on different days, including the days when your husband has symptoms.
b. Other adrenal gland hormones like Catecholamines levels need to be checked as well.
c. Thyroid hormone levels.
d. Abdominal CT scan and MRI scan of the brain to see of there are any carcinoid tumours that are secreting extra cortisol in a cyclic pattern.
I hope this information will be of help to you in proceeding further. Please do write back and update the progress so that I can know what is going on.
I sincerely hope your husband will get better soon.
Wishing you all the very best.
Warm regards.
You are welcome.
Detailed Answer:
It is my pleasure to be able to help you, I will look forward to hearing from you about your husbands progress.
All the very best.
Warm regards