What Are The Symtoms Of An Asthma Attack Vs A Heart Attack?
saw my cardiologist and said it was not a heart attack. chest cavity pain. i have systemic lupus as well.
early morning. thtoar tightnes chest pressure and pain, ear pressure. pain increases when laying on either dide. cannt breathe. pain is intense and residual
Likely an asthma
Detailed Answer:
Your symptoms points more towards asthma. Firstly, if you are getting symptoms daily or frequently then it's likely an asthma as one can't get heart attack frequently. Usually, shortness of breath is not there in heart attack unless its a massive attack with heart failure which is less likely. Also, chest pain of heart attack will not increase on lying on side.
Heart attack symptoms are sweating, uneasiness, restlessness associated pain in central chest with radiation to left arm and persists for atleast few few minutes to hour. Also, your ecg, echo would show some changes is undergone any of these.
So overall, history is not very specific, but points towards asthma. Also, should undergo investigations like ecg and echo to ascertain, if not yet done. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts.