What Can I Do About Very Loud Tinnitus?
different possible causes
Detailed Answer:
The ringing in your ears is called tinnitus and there are different possible causes.
Though it can be related to excess ear wax which can be helped by use of oils or cleaner drops, there are also other causes as well.
Some of the other causes include-(1) infection
(3)hearing loss- age related or caused by noise exposure
(4)sinus pressure or sinusitis
(5)ototoxic medications- these are medications that can cause damage to the ears eg some antibiotics , some pain medications and diurectics (medication that are used for high blood pressure or heart failure to get rid of excess fluid
(6)meniere's disease- in this condition there may also be dizziness/vertigo
(7)due to a mass or obstruction in the ear
(8)can occur in some persons with thyroid disease, anemia
Since there are many different possible causes, it would be best to see a doctor for an assessment, preferably an ENT specialist who can do a thorough examination with the relevant equipment
Treatment would depend on the exact cause found.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions