What Can Be Symptoms Like Tiredness,dizziness With Heavy Head And Abdominal Pain ?
The most probable diagnosis in your situation could be gastritis or Gastro esophageal reflux disorder. The history of recent severe stress at your job, and Eating a unhealthy diet are indicators of such conditions. These conditions present as chest discomfort which might be unrelated to food intake. This is a benign condition that can benefit with lifestyle and diet changes as well as OTC medications like antacids (Tums) and Prilosec. In addition testing for H pylori infection or a upper GI endoscopy could be done depending on the severity of your symptoms and clinical findings.
Dizziness and fainting in the early morning that lasts for only for a short time in the morning could be due to benign issues like positional vertigo.
To resolve this issue, you can do the Epley maneuver, as follows:
1. Sit upright.
2. Turn your head to the symptomatic side at a 45 degree angle, and lie on your back.
3. Remain up to 5 minutes in this position.
4. Turn your head 90 degrees to the other side.
5. Remain up to 5 minutes in this position.
6. Roll your body onto your side in the direction you are facing; now you are pointing your head nose down.
7. Remain up to 5 minutes in this position.
8. Go back to the sitting position and remain up to 30 seconds in this position.
The entire procedure should be repeated two more times, for a total of three times. Doing this everyday as you wake up and before getting of the bed, and they will help to resolve your symptoms.
Presence of Chest discomfort , sweating , palpitations, in addition to the above symptoms could indicate cardiovascular disorders like coronary artery disease. Though this is a highly unlikely diagnosis considering your age, they need to be ruled out by a panel of blood tests, EKG and if needed stress testing.
The best course of action would be to undergo a physical examination by a doctor, who can make a definitive diagnosis and initiate the required treatment.
I hope this helps.