What Can Be The Reason For Burning Sensation While Urinating With White Discharge From Penis ?
I notice this morning some white discharge coming from my penis. I'm uncut. I haven't had any sexual intercourse for the past 2 weeks. I also notice that the tip of my penis is little swollen and redish. I do not have trouble urinating. Actually, I urinate once or twice a day. When pee flow this morning there was a little burning sensetion. I'm not itchy. My lower back is sore a little bit I do not know if that could be related or could be that i took a nap on the couch. If I try to squeze the white discharge it would come in very small amount. but if I leave alone for a while and go back and check, my penis will be full. I didn't have sex, but I received a bj, cold that be related? Anyhow, hat could my symptom be?
From the history given it seems that you might be having balanitis, a inflammatory state of the glans penis.
It could have occurred due to abrasion of the penis during the oral sexual encounter. This is a benign condition and will soon subside.
Hydrocortisone cream application to the red and inflammed part of the penis might help reduce the discomfort. In addition taking medication like Ibuprofen 400 mg three times a day will help in early resolution of the symptoms.
The pill mentioned will also relieve any persistant backache that you might be having due to sleeping on the couch.
In case the oral sex was provided by a person not known to you, the chances of STDs could be higher. In such a situation testing for STDs including gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes would be helpful to prevent further spread of infection and more complications. Hence consulting a doctor for a examination and STD testing might be helpful in such a situation.
I hope this helps to answer your questions effectively. Please feel free to consult me again if you have any doubts.
Dr Anvekar.