What Can Cause Numbness In The Mouth, Rapid Heart-beat And Dizziness?
Bounding pulse.
Detailed Answer:
The condition that you refer is known as bounding pulse.
In many cases, there is no underlying condition that may be found or be related to bounding pulse, in other cases, there may be an underlying condition that is causing it.
Some of these conditions may be:
-Abnormal heart rhythms
-Cardiac valve(s) diseases
-Postural hypotension, etc.
1) Cardiac function workup is necessary first to evaluate or exclude any heart condition.
2) 24-hour heart function monitoring (Holter) is necessary for this purpose together with routine cardiac tests such as ECG and cardiac ultrasound.
3) Other tests that may be necessary are thyroid gland function tests, tilt table test.
4) Discuss with your primary care Doctor first.
5) He can evaluate you medically and may order the necessary tests and consultations in order to get a correct understanding of your condition.
Take Care!
Dr. Erion Spaho,