What Casues Headaches When Suffering From High Blood Pressure?
is there anything I can do naturally to get rid of this headaches, what could be causing it? Ekg was ok heart scan ok too and brain scan ok too.
Mdify treatment, rest, sleep, environment, neurolo
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
It is good news already that you have had a proper diagnosis of high blood pressure and you have been put on treatment already. However, it is imperative to be sure that your blood pressure is well controlled. A raised blood pressure could be associated with headaches.
Good news EKG and scans are Ok. The headache you describe is more of a primary headache (tension headache, cluster headache or some rare forms of migraine). It is more of a tension headache. These headaches respond well to anti anxiety drugs as Lorazepam. You might need to be patient and simple; see your doctor may be to increase the dose of the drug. Adding a second drug like a Tricyclic anti depressant could be useful in some cases.
If your blood pressure is well controlled (preferred blood pressure less than 120/80) and the headaches persist despite proper respect of treatment recommendations, I am afraid you might have to seek for a neurological opinion from a neurologist.
The mechanisms causing primary headache are diverse and there is no concensus on the main cause. Abnormal blood vessel contraction the brain leading to reduced oxygen supply to some areas of the brain have been proposed, imbalances between secretion and removal of certain neurotransmitters, but no generally accepted end point has been agreed upon.
I am afraid this might not be very appropriate or the right time to move to natural therapies. The fear with these therapies, though some are very effective, is that their mechanisms of action are not well elucidated. IN this case especially, I am convinced that changing the dose or Lorazepam, proper blood pressure control use of a Tricyclic anti depressant added to your treatment will produce fabulous results. The opinion of a neurologist, if it comes to extremes would be most welcome. Natural therapy at this point would not be so useful.
I suggest however enough bed rest, a short holiday off work or just to rest could help, changing your present environment to a more natural environment would be useful. Excessive and adequate sleep at times does help immensely and talking to loved ones and feelings loved are all very important.
Kind regards,
Dr Bain