What Causes ED With The History Of Lyme Disease And Anal Fissure?
With that being said, the only time I get erect is when I masturbate. And I can still feel a dull pain from the stent that was inserted into my penis when I masterbate. I don't get erect from visual attractions or aroused by touching since early 2015. The urologist that performed the kidney stone surgery told me as long as I can get a hard on during masturbation I don't have ED. He examined me for prostate cancer as well which he said was negative. Since this surgery I've had leakage issues after I urinate. I'm lost for words but I'm hoping this can be cured without surgery or side effect pills. Your input and help is greatly appreciated.
Clarify a few points
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thanks for the query
Lyme disease can affect the nerves so it can lead to ED because of involvement of nerve supply of penis. I have not understood the stent in penis after kidney stone, please give more details . Anal fissure has no effect on erection, High cholesterol is very potent cause of ED.
It is a good news that you get good erection with masturbation . if you get good hardness while masturbation, I can safely rule out vascular cause . Your dribbling may be responsible for ED while trying to have sex with partner. What does your urologist say about dribbling? You may need kigels Exercise for this . Please clarify the situations when you have dribbling.May be you do kegels, pass urine before sex and try after taking a medicine
Here are some suggestions
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So the stent was put for urinary incontinence. The fact that you have pain while masturbation puts this question to me- is the stent got some infection ( not uncommon) so better talk to your urologist for that
If this is fine, I think it is more of body image issue. Continue to be intimate and enjoy by cuddling and massaging each others body. You can try a PDE-5 inhibitor like Sildenafil 50 mg 2 hours before sex. It is a prescription medicine so a prescription from a local doctor is needed.For lyme disease, you need to find a suitable physician