What Causes Peyronie's Disease?
Please provide few more details
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Thanks for query .
You have a curved penis .I shall be happy if you can post me more details to help me in making precise comments
1) Do you get normal hard erection ?
2) Since how long you have noticed your penis to be bent ?
3) Are you able to penetrate vagina and perform sexual intercourse ?
4) Do you palpate any hard nodule in shaft of the penis?
5) Did you sustain any injury to your penis ?
6) Does penis curved in Flaccid state too or only on erection ?
Upload photograph of your penis both in flaccid state and on erection .
Please revert back with details .I shall make precise comments and suggestion on hearing from you .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Please answer all the questions I have asked for
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Thanks for follow up .
Is photograph of penis on erection ?or in flaccid state .It does not show any curvature (Bent )
Please provide all the information I have asked for .I shall be able to make comments only after getting details from you .
Thanks and Regards.
Uploaded Photograph does not reveal nay significant curvature of penis .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for uploading photograph .
However you have not provided information I have asked for .It is important to know these facts as far as treatment part is concerned .
Normally it is a curvature of penis more that 45 degree which poses difficulty in penetration of vagina during intercourse requires to be treated surgically .With given photograph you should not face any problem in penetration of vagina and performing sexual intercourse .Hence no active treatment is required .
Thanks and Regards.
Assuming that you have not problem in penetrating
O.K Bye
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .
As per my knowledge and experience you do not need any treatment .
However if you want and have other options of treatment you can certainly try it .
Thanks and Regards.