What Causes A Bubble Like Sensation In The Chest Area?
Thank you.
As detailed below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Female/46 - bubble like feeling that moves up on right side/chest - stops just before breast - occasionally when you sit or move in certain way - feels something there when you sneeze or cough - feels something is not right when you push down with force - wondering if this be tumor or something ...
Your elucidate history is suggestive of one of the things:
Diaphragmatic hernia
Hiatus hernia
Lower esophagitis
This can be diagnosed by investigations only hence I would advise the following:
X-ray of the chest when there are the symptoms.
Upper GI Endoscopy
CT scan of the chest and upper abdomen.
Please consult a General Surgeon for clinical evaluation, examination and timely investigations to get the correct diagnosis and thus a plan of further management.
I hope, this answer helps you to get the correct diagnosis at the earliest and a proper plan of management.
Please give feedback after investigations.