What Causes A Lump At The Bottom Of The Sternum While Having Pancreatitis?
Xiphoid swelling is not associated with chronic pancreatitis
Detailed Answer:
1) You might have alcohol related chronic pancreatitis and you might require hospitalization for acute episode of this chronic pancreatitis.
2) Xiphoid process swelling is not related to pancreatitis.
3) But if duration of chronic pancreatitis is long or you have repeatedly acute episode of chronic pancreatitis then pancreatic pseudocyst (collection of fluid with surrounding wall formation in region of pancreas) might develop. Size of such cyst range from 2cm to 15-20cm. Also such condition can be detected on CT-scan or MRI (MRCP) of abdomen when done to evaluate chronic pancreatitis. If size of such cyst is so huge to develop abdomen to bulge then it look like swelling JUST BELOW xiphoid process but not on the xiphoid process.
Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help
Pancreatic lump never go up on sternum
Detailed Answer:
I apologize for late reply.
1) If that lump is due to pancreatic pathology then it never go up on sternum. It must be restrained below the xiphoid process.
2) If that lump is due to pseudo-cyst formation (sequel of acute episodes of chronic pancreatitis) then generally lump 5 cm then based on symptoms, location of lump, surgery can be planned.
3) I guess they did USG abdomen (use of gel). But as I mentioned, chronic pancreatitis require further precise and more detailed evaluation with contrast enhanced CT scan abdomen.
It may be costo-chonditis
Detailed Answer:
I apologize for late reply,
I am not sure about swelling typically over the sternum but it might be costo-chondritis and require consultation of thoracic surgeon for further evaluation.
As a abdominal surgeon, I can not provide guidance on typical sternum swelling as it is beyond my expertise.