What Causes A Lump Near The Navel?
Please give additional information and post clear photographs.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query, albeit short and specific.
To recapitulate: Female/55 - very hard - egg shaped and sized lump next to naval - wants to know what it could be...
Please give additional information for me to assist you better:
- Since when is this present?
- Is it above, below or by the side of naval or though it.
- Please post clear and focused photographs as it helps in on-the-spot diagnosis in some cases.
- Put a palm on the swelling and try to cough hard or raise intra-abdominal pressure and she if it enlarges or remains same - impulse on coughing
- Is reducible on pressure or remains same?
- Is it XXXXXXX or fixed?
Awaiting for your feedback in details.
This has been present for a few years.
It is at the side of the navel.
Coughing doesn't do anything to the lump.
It is not reducible.
It is fixed.
May be a Desmoid tumor.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
The description befits a condition called Desmoid tumor.
This occurs only in Female and the cause is unknown.
Other causes can be a lipoma or sebaceous cyst but these are bit XXXXXXX and may be multiple.
You may please this confirmed by the following:
Clinical evaluation and Examination by a General Surgeon..
High resolution ultrasonography and FNAC of the lump and further management as per the final diagnosis.
I hope this answers your query.
Please give feedback once you are well diagnosed.