What Causes A Red Circular Spot On Lower Lip?
The first picture looks more like a white circle. Other pictures show it in different lights, etc. In third picture, my finger is right by the area. In all, looks more pink and like my lip color than red.
Does not hurt, although a little sensitive because I have been fiddling with it. I am currently on Amoxil/Dioxycycline which is causing some soreness in my mouth and makes my lips like scaly and patchy at times. Lips also feel dry at times.
No past history of cold sores. All prior blood tests negative, and took another one recently and awaiting results. Kissed someone about 7 weeks ago and have shared a cigarette with someone 3 weeks ago and last weekend.
Any thoughts what it is?
Likely these are Fordyce spots
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to healthcaremagic
I am Dr. Kakkar. I have gone through your query and I have also seen the photographs.
I would keep a possibility of Fordyce Spots, which are ectopic sebaceous glands. These appear as faintly yellow, pin point sized lesions, sometimes coalescing together, to form a patch. They are more obviously visible on stretching the mucosa.
Common sites are labial mucosa, undersurface of prepuce in males and labia in females.
They are harmless and commonly seen in the general population. They are not related to any drugs intake, smoking or kissing and I am sure they this must have been there for longer than you noticed it.
No intervention is required actually. However, if desired, you can get them removed with a LASER (CO2 Laser vaporisation). I would suggest that you seek an appointment with a dermatologist or a Laser specialist regarding the removal.
Dry lips/cheilitis and soreness of mouth/ stomatitis is most likely secondary to the broad spectrum antibiotics that you are presently taking. You may add a B-Complex supplement and use a lip balm
There appears to be a cluster of white spots similar to fordyce spots, although the center is not really a spot, and appears more red.
It is right at a crease/fold of the lip. Really looks pink/normal when not spread apart. Have attached two morepics.
Also, is it fair to say that if this was a first time cold sore, by the time I noticed the spot, it would also be painful, sore, somewhat raised on the skin and tender to touch? Because none of that is present. And wouldn't 7 weeks be outside the normal timeframe for first time appearance? I've read that it is very unlikely that HSV would be spread through sharing a cigarette. Is this true?
Just looking for assurance to rule out and for peace of mind. Thanks.
Be assured, this is not a cold sore.
Detailed Answer:
I have reviewed the photographs. Fordyce spots are totally asymptomatic and never become irritated on their own, unless you try to squeeze them in a bid to remove them. They become more prominent with lips stretched because that squeezes out the blood from the background and they stand out prominently as yellow bumps.
This does'nt look like a cold sore to me. In a cold sore there would be clear fluid filled vesicles, grouped together like a bunch of grapes.
Regarding the time frame, it is not a criteria for excluding cold sores, because a cold sore can appear long after the infection is acquired (weeks or even months later). However, this is not a cold sore.
Sharing cigarettes is not known to spread cold sores.
Perhaps I am overanalyzing all this, but this morning I woke up and noticed a small white pimple, distinct from a fordyce spot, and raised on the lip. Single pimple but close to some fordyce spots. Not on the lip line but middle of lip.
I popped it and a little blood came out. Nothing else from what I can tell. Now a little red/raw patch of skin. No pain or tingle. Tender when I rub lips together though.
I got my test results which were negative for HSV1. I'm just nervous about this being a cold sore. Could the blood test result he negative and I could still have a sore show up the next day? Seems from what I have read that there would already be antibodies present if I were infected, especially IF a sore were present, so the test would have been positive if infected.
So, was this just a pimple? Seems strange I would get it in this location. My mind is just racing about all this
Thanks. .
This is not a cold sore.
Detailed Answer:
I have reviewed the latest photographs. This is nothing like a cold sore. This is most likely because you have chapped lips and you have probably forcibly taken some skin off the lips revealing a raw area. Just relax and forget about anything serious.
Negative antibody test for HSV type 1 also substantiate the fact that this is not a cold sore.