What Causes Absence Of Pregnacy Symptoms?
Very, very unlikely to be non pregnant....
Detailed Answer:
The current pregnancy kits available in the market are extremely accurate and they usually don't reveal false positive easily. I would doubt a negative report. But false tests is extremely unlikely if the steps of procedure was followed strictly.
Moreover a few ladies don't have any other associated symptoms during early pregnancy; so don't be worried if she has no symptoms as long as there is no bleeding and severe abdominal cramps. You should discuss about the first ultrasound scan with the gynecologist which will both confirm pregnancy as well as the site of implantation.
You should start her on folic acid supplements such as folvite 5mg once a day and start preparing from fatherhood!!
Feel free to ask clarifications.
Its about time for first ultrasound scan.
Detailed Answer:
I usually order the first ultrasound scan around 5-7th week of pregnancy. The second scan at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. You should call and discuss about the doctor and plan the tests.
Most obstetrician also plan other blood test (hemoglobin, Blood grouping and typing, VDRL, HIV, Hepatitis and other infections) during the first scan. You can also talk about those with the doctor.
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