What Causes Acute Urinary Retention And Dark Urine After Laser Surgery?
Hormone shots are not curative treatment.
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXX and welcome to HCM.
As an Urologist, i advise you a trial without catheter(TWOC), on Flowmax 1 daily.
You can consider one of two options.
1. Take hormone shots as advised by your Urologist.
2. Have an orchidectomy surgery.(removal of both testis).
1. and 2. have the same action of removing male hormones(androgens).
Then take a drug called Bicalutamide daily.
The reason for dark colored urine is, bleeding from the surgery site.(prostate).
Blood clots may also come off and on, in the catheter, or urine from the bladder.
Your biopsy shows an advanced stage of prostate gland cancer(gleason 7,stage 4).
It needs adjuvant treatment, in the form of androgen blockade.
So, understand the hormone shots are not curative treatment, but for control of spread of secondaries, from the prostate gland (primary).
You should have your Hb, creatinine, LFT, and PSA level checked.
Also, get your bone scan done.
Hope your doubts are cleared.