What Causes Allergic Skin Breakouts With Extreme Itching?
all over my arms legs and stomach that looked like shingles. Some also looked like welts. extream itching.
Since I am under great stress anyway could my system react to other possible allergies that I might have been building up. I eat walnuts and strawberries and eggs just about everyday. Should I stop eating them?
Don t stop eating them, not cause of allergic reac
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
I am afraid that is not allergic reactions do happen. You need not stop eating your usual foods. If you have been eating them regular with no reactions, it simply implies you are allergic to them.
Paradoxically, when one is under stress, steroids are produced, which instead reduce or temporarily depress the immune system, instead protecting against possible allergies. It is VERY UNLIKELY that the allergy be related to the stress.
Your system simply reaction or rejected the La Dermanique with an allergic reactions.
It is also possible to know exactly the kind of substances you are allergic to. The opinion of an allergist ad getting an allergy screen in the laboratory could be very helpful. Kind regards as I wish you the best of health.
Dr Bain