What Causes Black And White Pimples In The Groin Area?
Infection possibility
Detailed Answer:
Dear Madam
Welcome to the portal!
I am a Sr Dermatologist.
I have noted your concerns and think that as the lesions that you have observed are painful, there seems to be some element of infection which in most cases is bacterial in origin
Generally such a condition requires antibiotics. However, please not the following points that have helped most of my similar patients:
1 Thoroughly wash or sponge the area just with plain water several times a day.
2 Apply Mupirocin cream at least twice a day. Oral antibiotics like Linezolid and Amoxy-Clav combinations work very well for most such infections
3 Have your blood sugar checked.
4 Maintain the best hygiene possible and keep the affected parts well ventilated and free from moisture
5 If any adverse feature like fever or spread to other areas appears, reporting the same to doctor would be the best way-out.
6 One can go for anti inflammatory agents like Ibuprofen in case pain is bothersome as such drugs reduce pain while improving the swelling as well.
I am sure these suggestions will help you. It might take up to two or three days before you actually notice the results.
Best wishes, always!