What Causes Black Dot Marks On Face?
i have a black dott marks and skin dotts in my face . its nearly on cheek and under eyes. its been having for last 8 years . so i need help
sun protection with depigmenting cream will help.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
Black dot marks on face most commonly seen due to
1.post acne
2. sun allergy.
Other causes such as freckles and melasma also seen commonly.
Most important part in the treatment of black spots is photo protection.
You need to use a good sunscreen like sunban for this.
Apply half an hour before going to sun and it should be repeated every 2 to 3 hours.Use sunscreen along with oral antioxidants for better results.
At night you can use any depigmenting cream like melaglow cream.Apply it on affected area with a pea sized amount.
Many times this pigmentation does not respond to routine treatment and you need advanced treatments like chemical peel,lasers etc for which it is better to consult a dermatologist.
Do not apply steroid containing creams.Avoid herbal products as far as possible.
Hope this will help you.In case you have any concerns I will be happy to help you.Take care.