What Causes Black Phlegm After Smoking?
I'm a 24y old smoker, I have been smoking for 6 years now. Recently in the morning when I wake up I have some phlegm that is blackish and sometimes it has a pinkish or redish marks on it, that I assumed is blood. It only happend to me 2 or 3 times during this 2 last weeks and it's the only times I noticed it in my life, other phlegms are usualy white or yellowish. I've seen that lung cancer patients cough up blood, and I'm getting really worried, I definitely plan on quitting, but for now I don't know if it's normal for smokers or I should be worried as it can be really serious, thanks for your time.
Need to rule out /confirm infections or inflammation and treat
Detailed Answer:
Hello sir and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help. Pinkish sputum in the morning, or a blood stained sputum or slightly darkish sputum in the morning could be indicative of an infection, respiratory conditions like bronchitis, etc. It is not considered normal in smokers, and should be looked into by a doctor to rule out any underlying conditions.
I do concur with your that smoking could be the either the prime cause or an aggravating factor, and discontinuing it would be beneficial in many ways to you. But in the meantime, I would recommend a visit to a physician who can start by conducting a general blood count and chest x ray which can shed much needed light on your health status right now.
Also, no medications need to be taken right now, you can just sip lukewarm water occasionally, and try to stop or reduce smoking. I hope you find my response helpful. Please feel free to write to me anytime, I am always here to help.
Best wishes.