What Causes Bladder Spasms, Frequent Urination And Blood In Urine?
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
Symptoms of frequency, urgency, pain, and burning are typical for a bladder infection but can be due to other things that cause irritation including prostatitis or infection/inflammation anywhere in the genitourinary tract and sometimes irritation from urinary tract stones. It could also be bladder irritability from the enlarged prostate causing obstruction. But the most common cause is a bladder infection.
I recommend that you go in to be seen for this. In the office or clinic, they will ask for a urine sample, and while you wait, can do a "dip" urinalysis which can do an initial check for signs of bacteria (which gives a positive leukocyte esterase) and blood. If there is suspected bacteria, your urine should be sent to a lab for a culture and sensitivity test. You will be given an antibiotic pretty much automatically if bacterial infection is suspected, but a sensitivity test is important to make sure it is the right antibiotic. It takes a couple of days to get the results thought.
An uncomplicated urinary tract infection is not too risky, but if bacteria travel up the ureters to the kidney(s) then it can cause a kidney infection (pyelonephritis) and that needs to be addressed promptly. Symptoms are flank area pain, nausea, fever, and chills.
I am concerned, given that you have a history of enlarged prostate, if you are not passing much urine. While it could be a UTI, it could be that your prostate is causing some obstruction. So do go in to be seen. The doctor should do a digital rectal exam and possibly and X-ray. An X-ray, although not good at showing soft tissue (it is for bones) can show if your bladder is distended because of obstruction. But a good physical exam, with palpation over the bladder area, can sort that out too.
In an urgent care clinic, request specifically to be seen by an MD because in many, most of the "providers" are actually physician's assistants or nurse practitioners (because they are less costly for the administration to pay). But with your history, you should see a doctor.
I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can provide further information or clarification.