Brief Answer:
Try alternative materials after skin is healed.
Detailed Answer:
First of all you will have to wait till the skin is healed. Use liquid
Povidone Iodine locally to avoid infection.
The alternative is to use the graduated steel rings or other materials which are available.
The most important thing to remember is that the skin of the
scrotum has a different character, texture, hair, sweating. It is highly stretchable. The simple test is to sit in a tub with warm water so that the the muscles in the skin ( dartos ) relaxes. You can pinch the skin and see how much it can be stretched.
Now the question is stretching the testis- in a practical ways lengthening of the
spermatic cord with which the testis hangs in the scrotum. It is this structure which takes the time, pain and all.
As a surgeon I would advise first to use the alternative materials as I suggested.
You can use coconut oil as a lubricant so that the skin is not pinched , remains mobile and suits the skin the most. This will avoid
blister and skin damage and even damage to the testicle / cord.
This has to be done really gradually, slowly. The integrity of the skin should not be broken at all, nor should there be a pressure on you testes or overstretch on the cord.
Do this gradually. Test all the materials which suit your skin style. You can even try silver rings as they are most suitable and cause the least local reaction to the skin.
Lastly to mention, as a surgeon I would facilitate the lengthening by a small surgery wherein I would cut off the cremaster muscle which supports the cord and testis to achieve your results with the least complications.