What Causes Blood From Rectum In A Diabetic When He Has Severe Constipation At Times?
Watch for further symptoms and as advised
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
If you that there are chills indicate a possibility of an infection.
Diabetics are known to develop infection more often that non-diabetics.
If there is history of constipation, the possible cause of blood from rectum can be hemorrhoids but considering the age other causes should be ruled out asap.
There may be an infection in urinary tract which is common with advancing age.
If there is pain in ano-rectal area with bleeding then this may be due to infection too.
Surely a clinical evaluation, an actual examination including per-rectal digital and ano-proctoscopy to begin with followed by colonoscopy after preparation is needed.
Watch for further symptoms like fever, urinary symptoms or anything else that develops and let me know. Give plenty of oral fluids.
Paracetamol if fever develops.
Take him to the Doctor asap.
Take care.
Please give feedback.
With Regards.