What Causes Blood In Semen?
Needs to be evaluated
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your query.
This condition known as Hematospermia.
Hematospermia below the age of 40-45 years is self limiting and gets resolved without any treatment but hematospermia in a person above the age of 50 years has to be evaluated.
It can be noted in healthy individual after vigorous masturbation or prolonged sexual abstinence.
As said earlier it needs to be evaluated, so I would suggest you to see local doctor or urologist for clinical and digital rectal examination and get following basic investigations done to help in diagnosis. Routine Urine test, Haemogram with Coagulation Profile, Semen analysis, Serum PSA, Ultrasound scanning of the abdomen and ultrasound scanning by rectal probe to rule out cancer of the prostate.
Based on the investigation report, management plan can be planted by the consultant.
Hope this helps
Take care.