What Causes Blood In Urine?
Needs Management, UTI likely
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
Bleeding with clots per urine has definitely many possibilities including too much and wrong medications especially when an anticoagulant like coumadin is in the list. History of prostate malignancy , retention history and interventions make the possibilities of UTI most likely.
To me it looks like a classic presentation of a urinary tract infection and bladder infection ( Cystitis) not to forget that Radiation cystitis is a great gift of prostate malignancies.
The best start would be a urine routine exam followed by renal and abdominal ultrasounds. FOllow them by renal functions assessment. Urine culture and radiology etc would be advised. A bleeding profile is advised to be assessed and coumadin dosage might need a titration accordingly.
Meanwhile plenty of fluids, cranberry juices and intra bladder instillation of hyaluronic acids , intake of garlic etc are some of the diet and lifestyle modifications which help in such UTI troubles.
Nutshell, Get to a urologist and let them assess the likely possibility.
I hope it helps.Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.