What Causes Body Pain And Frequent Bowel Movements After Taking High-protein Diet?
Reduce intake of protein now and increase gradually.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
Well passing motions 3-4 times a day is not normal and this is happening because your body is not able to digest the high amount of protein.
See I can understand that you need to take high protein diet while going to gym, but that has to be a gradual increase in the protein intake.
If you increase your protein intake suddenly the body will not tolerate it and hence you are noticing pain.
I won't advise you to stop taking protein but reduce the intake of protein ( especially eggs ) , instead take more of fruits like banana , apple .
You can gradually start taking eggs , start taking it after 4-5 days, start with 1 egg and after 10 days you can take 2 eggs per day, and after 3 weeks start taking 3 eggs per day.
Also drink plenty of water and fruit juices.
Hope this information was useful to you.
Any clarification feel free to ask.
Stop Protein powder now.
Detailed Answer:
Well I would recommend you to stop taking Protein Powder now and restart taking Egg white.
Within 3-4 days you will feel better. Then restart the Protein powder with 1/2 scoop per day for a month and later increase it to one scoop a day.
You can eat banana at any time of the day.
Hope this information was useful to you.
Any clarifications feel free to ask.
No need of Protein powder
Detailed Answer:
See always natural food ( paneer/Egg ) is better than processed food ( Protein powder.
In my opinion just intake of Paneer and Egg white is sufficient. You need to consider Protein powder if you are planning to have a body like that of a body builder. If that is your intention then first start with Egg white 2 per day gradually increase to 4 per day in 2 weeks , along with Egg white have Paneer 25 grams per day and increase it to 75 grams in 2 weeks and 100 grams in 1 month.
Start Protein powder only after 2 weeks with 1/2 scoop per day for a month and later increase it to one scoop a day.
But if your intention is to have a good body but not as good as that of body builders then there is no need to take Protein powder.
Hope this information was useful to you.
No need of Medications.
Detailed Answer:
There is no need for any medications for you. Just drink plenty of water and you shall become fine in 4-5 days.
Yes you can restart Eggs and Panner after 4-5 days as advised before.
There is no harm in taking protein powder but too much of protein is also not good for health. If you really want to continue Powder then stop panner and also reduce egg white to 2 per day.
But my recommendation is just egg white and panner is enough for a good physique building but you want to have like a professional body builder like body only then take all the three ( Egg, Panner and Protein powder )